Neighborhood News

The Polo Fields Homeowners Association Board is committed to maintaining and improving the neighborhood both aesthetically and functionally.  We work hard to keep our neighborhood as one of the premiere neighborhoods in the area.  

2022 Overview

Common Area Improvements

  • Replaced the signs at the tennis courts and park area.
  • Cleaned up common areas and removed fallen trees from common areas.

Speed Calming Efforts

  • Purchased two dynamic speed display signs to be used to on Glenmoore around the curve by the park.

Governing Documents Review

  • Conducted a thorough review of our outdated Bylaws and created a detailed list of revisions to be presented to homeowners for approval at annual meeting.

Ongoing Commitments

  • Partnered with Goosebusters to help with geese control at Dornoch pond, and continued to have our ponds and common areas treated for mosquitos and algae.
  • Contracted with Polo Fields Golf and Country Club for our common area landscaping and summer maintenance.
  • Continued to partner with Great Outdoors for snow removal.
  • Continued our regular responsibilities to ensure all neighbors are doing their part to keep our neighborhood beautiful and safe.  This includes multiple mailbox and landscape reviews. 







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